Leonardo museum

The world's largest collection of Leonardo da Vinci art is found in the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Milan, Italy. The museum opened in December, 1899 and contains more than 20,000 items associated with Leonardo da Vinci, including paintings, drawings, manuscripts, sculptures, and models.

The museum is housed in a six-story building that was once the home of Countess Margherita of Savoy. The first and second floors are devoted to paintings and drawings, while the third and fourth floors are reserved for manuscripts and scientific models. The fifth and sixth floors are home to the museum's collection of sculptures.

One of the most popular items on display at the Leonardo da Vinci Museum is the Mona Lisa, which is on loan from the Louvre Museum in Paris. Other notable paintings in the collection include the Virgin of the Rocks and the Last Supper.

In addition to paintings and drawings, the Leonardo da Vinci Museum also contains a large collection of manuscripts. These manuscripts include the Codex Atlanticus, a 12-volume collection of Leonardo da Vinci's drawings and notes, and the Codex Leicester, a collection of scientific writings by Leonardo da Vinci.

The Leonardo da Vinci Museum also contains a large collection of sculptures, including the Vitruvian Man, a sculpture of a man in a perfect circle and square. This sculpture is based on the writings of the Roman architect Vitruvius, who wrote that a man is in perfect proportion when his body is enclosed in a circle and a square.

The Leonardo da Vinci Museum is a must-see for art lovers and history buffs alike. With its vast collection of paintings, drawings, manuscripts, and sculptures, the museum provides a unique glimpse into the mind of one of the world's most famous artists.

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